Check Out Our New Clinic!

We are excited to announce the opening of our new clinic on August 26th, 2023! The 2,000 square foot space features four private treatment rooms. We will be increasing our …

Edema and Exercise

Education and early management of CVI can decrease its incidence. What is YOUR current education level? Learn ways to reduce your risk and improve your quality of life!  1.     Complete a …

Willow Henry

Physical Therapy and Wound Care

Wound healing is most successful when addressed by a multidisciplinary team. Physical therapists play a vital role in wound prevention, but also can perform more advanced wound care treatments such …

Medical model of lungs

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of respiratory conditions that cause difficulty breathing due to airflow obstruction by mucus. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are the two most common …

Lymphedema Word Cloud

Treatment of Lymphedema

Lymphedema is the collection of protein rich fluid within body tissues.  Secondary lymphedema is cause by damage to the lymphatic system such as treatment for cancer. Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is …

LSVT Big Website Screenshot

LSVT BIG For Parkinson Disease

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) BIG is a four week (16 session) treatment to reduce the symptoms of Parkinson disease, such as bradykinesia (slow movement) and hypokinesia (small movement). The …